Only a few cyclones out there actually qualify as being “high Efficiency”, which is why it is so important to choose your filters correctly. Using undersized filters on an inefficient cyclone affects filter loading in a negative way. And cyclones don’t perform well at air flows other than what they were designed for. So you never want to restrict the airflow by using the wrong filter.
All Wynn Filters designed for use on cyclones have a MERV 15 rating and a minimum of twice the filter surface area of most leading brands. This translates to “one fourth the pressure drop.” Our filters do a better job of filtering and go longer between cleanings.
We intentionally do not use internal brushes or paddles.
Filter specifications can be found under cyclone filter library.
All or our Filters are manufactured in the United States of America.
Filter upgrades for cyclones fall in two (2) categories: Flanged and Non Flanged
Designed for use on the do-it-yourself transitions (plenum boxes) which go between the blower and the filter(s). All of these filters are open at both ends having a fixed gasket on the flanged end. Specifications can be found in the “Cyclone Filter Library”
Rule of Thumb: One filter for every 2-1/2 horse power, or 750 cfm per filter.
Non Flanged
Used when stacking filters or when directly replacing filters on certain commercially available cyclones such as Oneida and Penn State. All filters are open at both ends and supplied with one fixed gasket and one loose gasket. Specifications can be found in the “Cyclone Filter Library”